Tuesday, April 8, 2008

rambling GNE

i was a bit suprised to see the efforts of the teachers during accredation of our college ...
knw wat we r corrupt in our souls .... yaar during this period even i mean during developing college or beautifying... itna paise ka misuse for wat yaar come
college paid hell lot of stress in putting up the fountains,didnt bother to see the laventories of college ,their doors even dont have auto closer
yaar provide sense of security to certain section of students to live freely and express aapna nature appna creativity... kuch nahi hoga aisa yaar
i think the news report of college should be published like this
GNE undergoes accredation*

*the work and money spent wld immediately be withdrawn after accredation

saare salle chor hai and wen some gets emotional about his college people term him a fooooooool
grow up guys
GNE is rambling

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